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Yves Delorme

Kopš 1845. gada nosaukums FREMAUX ir sinonīms mājas veļai un uzņēmums var patiešām teikt, ka tas ir viens no vecākajiem šāda veida uzņēmumiem Eiropā. Fremaux-Delorme mantojuma izcilība ir atrodama to vīriešu un sieviešu vēsturē, kuri ir izveidojuši uzņēmumu, kā arī tā paplašināšanos un visus produktus. Pieču paaudžu kaislība un zinātkāre ir ieausta katrā palagā, katrā dvielī un galdautā. Iegādājoties veļu no Yves Delorme, jūs ieviesīsiet savām mājām jaunu tradīciju bagātību. Yves Delorme piedāvā visplašāko mājas apģērbu kolekciju pasaulē, gan stila, gan kvalitātes ziņā. Kolekcija ir balstīta uz četrām galvenajām tēmām:
Douceur - kompozīcija no gaismas harmonijas ar svaigiem un delikātiem toņiem. Pastelis, kas saistīts ar ziedu un ģeometrisko motīvu, šī tēma iezīmē franču romantismu. Yves Delorme zīmola identitāte ir neapšaubāmi saistīta ar šo tēmu, kas ir arī zīmola izcelsme. 
Raffinement - Autentisks kopums no tīras kvalitātes, kurā talants un meistarība ir vienlīdz izteikta jebkurā mājā. Dizains no šīs tēmas ir ļoti kvalitatīvi. 
Esprit Deco - smalka iedvesma, kas saplūst gan no apkārtnes, gan tālienes, kas ir aicinājums uz juteklisku baudu. Izveidota no oriģinālām tēmām un erudītāt atsaucēm. Tā ir pasaule, kurā garīgais prieks tiek pievienots auduma jutekliskajai izjūtai. 
Intemporels - krāsu daudzveidība, kas tiek veidota vienkāršiem dvieļiem, gultasveļai. Tā tiek regulāti attīstīta un atjaunota.
Perkale un satīns ir austi ar garu šķiedru no ¨Ēģiptes" kokvilnas, kas padara audumu zīdainu un mīkstu. 
Yves Delorme ir izvēlējies augstas kvalitātes produktus priekš savām segām un spilveniem. Tie tiek pildīti ar dūnām un dobām šķiedrām. Segas ir no merino vilnas, mohēras un kašmira, kas tiek veidotas ar vislielāko rūpību.

Kārtot pēc:

Alcazar, Pārvalks 220 x 240 cm

Exuberant foliage growing in the sheltered warmth of a palace, Alcazar evokes the mystery of a winter garden.
Printed on cotton sateen in deep, bright colors, in the trend of the season. Duvet cover with flap in same printed fabric for front and back. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count. 14 colors for design. Made in france
Noliktavā 2
384,00 €

Alcazar, Pārvalks 240 x 260 cm

Exuberant foliage growing in the sheltered warmth of a palace, Alcazar evokes the mystery of a winter garden.
Printed on cotton sateen in deep, bright colors, in the trend of the season. Duvet cover with flap in same printed fabric for front and back. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count. 14 colors for design. Made in france
Noliktavā 1
422,00 €

Alcazar, Spilvendrāna 50 x 75 cm

Exuberant foliage growing in the sheltered warmth of a palace, Alcazar evokes the mystery of a winter garden.
Printed on cotton sateen in deep, bright colors, in the trend of the season. Pillow cases 12" x 17’’ , 26" x 26" and 20" x 30". Printed pillowcases with flounce and Green braid finish. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count. 14 colors for design. Made in france
Noliktavā 18
92,00 €

Alcazar, Spilvendrāna 65 x 65 cm

Exuberant foliage growing in the sheltered warmth of a palace, Alcazar evokes the mystery of a winter garden.
Printed on cotton sateen in deep, bright colors, in the trend of the season. Pillow cases 12" x 17’’ , 26" x 26" and 20" x 30". Printed pillowcases with flounce and Green braid finish. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count. 14 colors for design. Made in france
Noliktavā 2
92,00 €

Athena & Walton, Sienna, Spilvendrāna, Pieejami dažādos izmēros

The pure graphic expression of a colored bourdon stitch framing flanged pillow shams and duvet covers is the signature of the luxurious white-based Yves Delorme classics.
A crisp, resistant, sophisticated and matte finish guarantees the highest quality among the most beautiful linens. Offered in 10 colors of bourdon embroidery associated with white percale, the line coordinates with the Triomphe solids line. 100% pima long staple combed cotton percale, 500 thread count. Large bourdon stitch embroidery finish
Noliktavā 2
92,00 €

Etoile Sienna, Dvielis, Pieejami dažādās izmēros

The Etoile bath collection is perfect for all the family. Available in a variety of colors, the material is fast absorbing and soft against the skin. Match with bath mats, robes and cosmetic bags to complete the look, in selected colors.
Available in 6 sizes –Face Cloth 33 x 33cm, Guest Towel 45cm x 70cm, Hand Towel 55cm x 100cm, Bath Towel 70cm x 140cm, Bath Sheet 90cm x 150cm and Bath Mat 55 x 90cm. Robe available in Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large.
83% cotton 17% modal, 700 g/m142
Noliktavā 6
18,00 €

Etoile Sienna, Vannas paklājs 55 x 90 cm

The Etoile bath collection is perfect for all the family. Available in a variety of colors, the material is fast absorbing and soft against the skin. Match with bath mats, robes and cosmetic bags to complete the look, in selected colors.
Available in 6 sizes –Face Cloth 33 x 33cm, Guest Towel 45cm x 70cm, Hand Towel 55cm x 100cm, Bath Towel 70cm x 140cm, Bath Sheet 90cm x 150cm and Bath Mat 55 x 90cm. Robe available in Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large.
83% cotton 17% modal, 700 g/m147
Noliktavā 4
80,00 €

Golestan, Palags 240 x 295 cm

Inspired by exotic canvases brought back from the East, Golestan is printed on batiste cotton. Stylised flowers on rippling stems draw an imaginary decorative plant. flat sheet with 4” hem and Sienna piped finish. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count. 14 colors for main design, 5 colors for coordinated design. This special quality of cotton was woven especially for the seasonal print patterns. Cotton batiste is a hybrid between cotton voile and cotton percale, An alliance between the characteristics of cotton voile : finesse, lightness, suppleness and softness and those of the quality of percale with a density of 85 gr/ 200 thread count (80 fils/cm²) known for its crispness and cool freshness. Made in france.
Noliktavā 1
235,00 €

Golestan, Pārvalks 140 x 200 cm

Inspired by exotic canvases brought back from the East, Golestan is printed on batiste cotton. Stylised flowers on rippling stems draw an imaginary decorative plant. Reversible duvet cover with flap. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count.14 colors for main design, 5 colors for coordinated design. This special quality of cotton was woven especially for the seasonal print patterns. Cotton batiste is a hybrid between cotton voile and cotton percale, An alliance between the characteristics of cotton voile : finesse, lightness, suppleness and softness and those of the quality of percale with a density of 85 gr/ 200 thread count (80 fils/cm²) known for its crispness and cool freshness. Made in france.
Noliktavā 4
193,00 €

Golestan, Pārvalks 200 x 200 cm

Inspired by exotic canvases brought back from the East, Golestan is printed on batiste cotton. Stylised flowers on rippling stems draw an imaginary decorative plant. Reversible duvet cover with flap. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count.14 colors for main design, 5 colors for coordinated design. This special quality of cotton was woven especially for the seasonal print patterns. Cotton batiste is a hybrid between cotton voile and cotton percale, An alliance between the characteristics of cotton voile : finesse, lightness, suppleness and softness and those of the quality of percale with a density of 85 gr/ 200 thread count (80 fils/cm²) known for its crispness and cool freshness. Made in france.
Noliktavā 2
268,00 €

Golestan, Pārvalks 220 x 240 cm

Inspired by exotic canvases brought back from the East, Golestan is printed on batiste cotton. Stylised flowers on rippling stems draw an imaginary decorative plant. Reversible duvet cover with flap. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count.14 colors for main design, 5 colors for coordinated design. This special quality of cotton was woven especially for the seasonal print patterns. Cotton batiste is a hybrid between cotton voile and cotton percale, An alliance between the characteristics of cotton voile : finesse, lightness, suppleness and softness and those of the quality of percale with a density of 85 gr/ 200 thread count (80 fils/cm²) known for its crispness and cool freshness. Made in france.
Noliktavā 2
330,00 €

Golestan, Pārvalks 240 x 260 cm

Inspired by exotic canvases brought back from the East, Golestan is printed on batiste cotton. Stylised flowers on rippling stems draw an imaginary decorative plant. Reversible duvet cover with flap. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count.14 colors for main design, 5 colors for coordinated design. This special quality of cotton was woven especially for the seasonal print patterns. Cotton batiste is a hybrid between cotton voile and cotton percale, An alliance between the characteristics of cotton voile : finesse, lightness, suppleness and softness and those of the quality of percale with a density of 85 gr/ 200 thread count (80 fils/cm²) known for its crispness and cool freshness. Made in france.
Noliktavā 2
384,00 €

Golestan, Spilvendrāna 50 x 75 cm

Inspired by exotic canvases brought back from the East, Golestan is printed on batiste cotton. Stylised flowers on rippling stems draw an imaginary decorative plant. Reversible pillow case with 5'' flounce and Sienna piped finish. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count. 14 colors for main design, 5 colors for coordinated design. This special quality of cotton was woven especially for the seasonal print patterns. Cotton batiste is a hybrid between cotton voile and cotton percale,
An alliance between the characteristics of cotton voile : finesse, lightness, suppleness and softness and those of the quality of percale with a density of 85 gr/ 200 thread count (80 fils/cm²) known for its crispness and cool freshness. Made in france.
Noliktavā 20
80,00 €

Golestan, Spilvendrāna 65 x 65 cm

Inspired by exotic canvases brought back from the East, Golestan is printed on batiste cotton. Stylised flowers on rippling stems draw an imaginary decorative plant. Reversible pillow case with 5'' flounce and Sienna piped finish. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count. 14 colors for main design, 5 colors for coordinated design. This special quality of cotton was woven especially for the seasonal print patterns. Cotton batiste is a hybrid between cotton voile and cotton percale,
An alliance between the characteristics of cotton voile : finesse, lightness, suppleness and softness and those of the quality of percale with a density of 85 gr/ 200 thread count (80 fils/cm²) known for its crispness and cool freshness. Made in france.
Noliktavā 4
80,00 €

Grimani, Pārvalks 200 x 200 cm

Tribute to the foliage room of the Grimani Palace.
The dreamy vegetation is home to birds and paisley
motifs. A delicate print on cotton sateen in blue-grey and bronze shades. Reversible duvet cover with flap. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count. 12 couleurs pour le motif principal, 6 couleurs pour le motif coordonné. Made in France
Noliktavā 3
330,00 €

Grimani, Pārvalks 240 x 220 cm

Tribute to the foliage room of the Grimani Palace.
The dreamy vegetation is home to birds and paisley
motifs. A delicate print on cotton sateen in blue-grey and bronze shades. Reversible duvet cover with flap. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count. 12 couleurs pour le motif principal, 6 couleurs pour le motif coordonné. Made in France
Noliktavā 1
384,00 €

Grimani, Spilvendrāna 50 x 75 cm

Tribute to the foliage room of the Grimani Palace.
The dreamy vegetation is home to birds and paisley
motifs. A delicate print on cotton sateen in blue-grey and bronze shades. Pillow cases 12" x 17’’ , 26" x 26" and 20" x 30". Reversible pillow case with flounce and Gold braid finish. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count. 12 couleurs pour le motif principal, 6 couleurs pour le motif coordonné. Made in France
Noliktavā 13
92,00 €

Yves Delorme, Perse Ecume, Perse, Galdauts, Pieejami dažādās izmēros

Jacquard tablecloth, 0.4” simple hem finish. 3 sizes : 71”×71”, 71”× 110” and 71”× 126”. 60% cotton / 40% linen. Made in France.
Noliktavā 1
229,00 €

Yves Delorme, Perse Ecume, Perse, Galdauts 180 x 280 cm

Jacquard tablecloth, 0.4” simple hem finish. 3 sizes : 71”×71”, 71”× 110” and 71”× 126”. 60% cotton / 40% linen. Made in France.
Noliktavā 1
295,00 €

Romances, Palags 240 x 295 cm

A refined print tinged with mystery, which redraws the stone filigrees in hanging flowers and hidden jewels. Greens, golds, plums and powdery neutral on cotton sateen. Flat sheet with 3’’ hem. Bronze fancy stitch finish. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count. 15 colors for main design, 1 color for coordinated design. Made in france
Noliktavā 1
250,00 €

Romances, Pārvalks 140 x 200 cm

A refined print tinged with mystery, which redraws the stone filigrees in hanging flowers and hidden jewels. Greens, golds, plums and powdery neutral on cotton sateen. Reversible duvet cover with flap. Printed on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count. 15 colors for main design, 1 color for coordinated design. Made in france
Noliktavā 6
235,00 €