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Yves Delorme

Kopš 1845. gada nosaukums FREMAUX ir sinonīms mājas veļai un uzņēmums var patiešām teikt, ka tas ir viens no vecākajiem šāda veida uzņēmumiem Eiropā. Fremaux-Delorme mantojuma izcilība ir atrodama to vīriešu un sieviešu vēsturē, kuri ir izveidojuši uzņēmumu, kā arī tā paplašināšanos un visus produktus. Pieču paaudžu kaislība un zinātkāre ir ieausta katrā palagā, katrā dvielī un galdautā. Iegādājoties veļu no Yves Delorme, jūs ieviesīsiet savām mājām jaunu tradīciju bagātību. Yves Delorme piedāvā visplašāko mājas apģērbu kolekciju pasaulē, gan stila, gan kvalitātes ziņā. Kolekcija ir balstīta uz četrām galvenajām tēmām:
Douceur - kompozīcija no gaismas harmonijas ar svaigiem un delikātiem toņiem. Pastelis, kas saistīts ar ziedu un ģeometrisko motīvu, šī tēma iezīmē franču romantismu. Yves Delorme zīmola identitāte ir neapšaubāmi saistīta ar šo tēmu, kas ir arī zīmola izcelsme. 
Raffinement - Autentisks kopums no tīras kvalitātes, kurā talants un meistarība ir vienlīdz izteikta jebkurā mājā. Dizains no šīs tēmas ir ļoti kvalitatīvi. 
Esprit Deco - smalka iedvesma, kas saplūst gan no apkārtnes, gan tālienes, kas ir aicinājums uz juteklisku baudu. Izveidota no oriģinālām tēmām un erudītāt atsaucēm. Tā ir pasaule, kurā garīgais prieks tiek pievienots auduma jutekliskajai izjūtai. 
Intemporels - krāsu daudzveidība, kas tiek veidota vienkāršiem dvieļiem, gultasveļai. Tā tiek regulāti attīstīta un atjaunota.
Perkale un satīns ir austi ar garu šķiedru no ¨Ēģiptes" kokvilnas, kas padara audumu zīdainu un mīkstu. 
Yves Delorme ir izvēlējies augstas kvalitātes produktus priekš savām segām un spilveniem. Tie tiek pildīti ar dūnām un dobām šķiedrām. Segas ir no merino vilnas, mohēras un kašmira, kas tiek veidotas ar vislielāko rūpību.

Kārtot pēc:

Actuel Medium Spilvens 65 x65

Medium pillow suitable for sleeping on the side and on the back. Because of Label Nomite for cover, it is recommended for people with allergies.
Fabric : 100% Organic fine white Egyptian cotton batiste ( TC 262 - 105gsm ). Filling: 100% Sensofill Hollow fiber, polyester (1280gsm).
Fine white satin piped finish.
Easy Care, made in Germany.
Noliktavā 3
98,00 €

Pleds, Egee Eau 130 x 170 cm

100% alpaca

Noliktavā 1
321,00 €

Pleds, Egee Pierre 130 x 170 cm

100% alpaca

Noliktavā 1
321,00 €

Pleds, Egee Pollen 130 x 170 cm

100% alpaca

Noliktavā 1
321,00 €

Pleds, Verso Paon Pleds 130 x 170 cm

Knitted in double-sided wool mesh in different colours. Their enveloping warmth is a must.
80% wool 20% polyamide, 51”x 67”
Noliktavā 1
289,00 €

Pleds, Verso Anthracite Pleds 130 x 170 cm

Knitted in double-sided wool mesh in different colours. Their enveloping warmth is a must. 80% wool 20% polyamide. Throw 51”x 67”.
Noliktavā 1
289,00 €

Fjord, Spilvendrāna, Pieejami dažādos izmēros

A timeless Oxford pillowcase, easy to pair with any bed linen collection, owing to its simple neutral design. Made in a single solid colour, the design is framed by a tone-on-tone double saddle stitch. Available in a variety of shades.

Egyptian cotton sateen 300 threads/inch²
The Triomphe design is one of the best-selling plain dye ranges Yves Delorme offers. The bed linen is a 300 thread count range with a double saddle-stitch detail framing the body of the linen, yet it is still lightweight. The silky finish adds depth and light to its colours and creates a sophisticated atmosphere in any room. Perfect to pair with patterned designs to create a modern twist. Available in 10 colours.
Noliktavā 1
86,00 €

Fjord, Palags ar gumiju, Pieejami dažādos izmēros

A plain fitted sheet in a minimalist style, coloured in a solid shades of a sophisticated rainbow. Crafted from pure organic cotton sateen, the sheet feels silky smooth against the skin. Features elasticated edges.Egyptian cotton sateen 300 threads/inch²
The Triomphe design is one of the best-selling plain dye ranges Yves Delorme offers. The bed linen is a 300 thread count range with a double saddle-stitch detail framing the body of the linen, yet it is still lightweight. The silky finish adds depth and light to its colours and creates a sophisticated atmosphere in any room. Perfect to pair with patterned designs to create a modern twist. Available in 10 colours.
Noliktavā 2
167,00 €

Fjord, Segas pārvalks, Pieejami dažādos izmēros

A classic duvet cover in a versatile minimalist design. Crafted from 100% organic cotton sateen in a solid colour, the only adornment on this otherwise plain design is a double saddle stitch placed along the edges, framing the entire cover. Features a button closure. Available in a variety of colours.
Egyptian cotton sateen 300 threads/inch²
The Triomphe design is one of the best-selling plain dye ranges Yves Delorme offers. The bed linen is a 300 thread count range with a double saddle-stitch detail framing the body of the linen, yet it is still lightweight. The silky finish adds depth and light to its colours and creates a sophisticated atmosphere in any room. Perfect to pair with patterned designs to create a modern twist. Available in 10 colours.
Noliktavā 1
176,00 €

Sylve, Spilvendrāna 65 x 65 cm

A chic Oxford pillowcase with a double-faced design, each of which is inspired by decorative motifs often seen on traditional Indian canvases. The front design features a print of wild florals and botanicals in shades of peacocks green growing spontaneously across the background of white cotton percale. Meanwhile, the reverse is covered in a graphic pattern of diamond shapes and wavy lines. The design is then framed with a contrasting burden stitch.
A floral print based on designs of vibrant Indian canvases.
If you're stricken by wanderlust in the depths of winter, Yves Delorme has got the remedy in the form of its Sylve bed linen collection. Named after a poetic French word for 'forest', the range depicts a botanical print in a vibrant peacock shade set against a purely white background, a motif inspired by Indian canvases. Crafted from 100% organic cotton percale, the sheets feel crisp and soft against the skin. The range consists of a duvet cover, pillowcases, a flat sheet and a fitted sheet, as well as a coordinating cushion cover and bed cover.
Noliktavā 1
74,00 €

Sylve, Spilvendrāna 50 x 75 cm

A chic Oxford pillowcase with a double-faced design, each of which is inspired by decorative motifs often seen on traditional Indian canvases. The front design features a print of wild florals and botanicals in shades of peacocks green growing spontaneously across the background of white cotton percale. Meanwhile, the reverse is covered in a graphic pattern of diamond shapes and wavy lines. The design is then framed with a contrasting burden stitch.
A floral print based on designs of vibrant Indian canvases.
If you're stricken by wanderlust in the depths of winter, Yves Delorme has got the remedy in the form of its Sylve bed linen collection. Named after a poetic French word for 'forest', the range depicts a botanical print in a vibrant peacock shade set against a purely white background, a motif inspired by Indian canvases. Crafted from 100% organic cotton percale, the sheets feel crisp and soft against the skin. The range consists of a duvet cover, pillowcases, a flat sheet and a fitted sheet, as well as a coordinating cushion cover and bed cover.
Noliktavā 3
74,00 €

Sylve, Dekoratīva spilvendrāna 45 x 45 cm

Inspired by Indian canvases brought back from distant travels, this original design by Yves Delorme features a graceful stylized peacock for Iosis. The two variants of the pillows and totes each
speak to the elegance of the Yves Delorme brand.
Noliktavā 7
92,00 €

Sylve, Pārvalks 200 x 200 cm

A striking double-sided duvet cover decorated with a wild floral print inspired by motifs of traditional Indian fabrics. While the front design is coloured in white with peacock green florals painted on top, the reverse side comes in the same saturated peacocks shade, in turn adorned with a more graphic pattern of wavy lines and diamond shapes. Features a button closure.
A floral print based on designs of vibrant Indian canvases.
If you're stricken by wanderlust in the depths of winter, Yves Delorme has got the remedy in the form of its Sylve bed linen collection. Named after a poetic French word for 'forest', the range depicts a botanical print in a vibrant peacock shade set against a purely white background, a motif inspired by Indian canvases. Crafted from 100% organic cotton percale, the sheets feel crisp and soft against the skin. The range consists of a duvet cover, pillowcases, a flat sheet and a fitted sheet, as well as a coordinating cushion cover and bed cover.
Noliktavā 1
248,00 €

Sylve, Pārvalks 140 x 200 cm

A striking double-sided duvet cover decorated with a wild floral print inspired by motifs of traditional Indian fabrics. While the front design is coloured in white with peacock green florals painted on top, the reverse side comes in the same saturated peacocks shade, in turn adorned with a more graphic pattern of wavy lines and diamond shapes. Features a button closure.
A floral print based on designs of vibrant Indian canvases.
If you're stricken by wanderlust in the depths of winter, Yves Delorme has got the remedy in the form of its Sylve bed linen collection. Named after a poetic French word for 'forest', the range depicts a botanical print in a vibrant peacock shade set against a purely white background, a motif inspired by Indian canvases. Crafted from 100% organic cotton percale, the sheets feel crisp and soft against the skin. The range consists of a duvet cover, pillowcases, a flat sheet and a fitted sheet, as well as a coordinating cushion cover and bed cover.
Noliktavā 1
180,00 €

Sylve, Dekoratīva spilvendrāna 45 x 45 cm

Inspired by Indian canvases brought back from distant travels, this original design by Yves Delorme features a graceful stylized peacock for Iosis. The two variants of the pillows and totes each
speak to the elegance of the Yves Delorme brand.
Noliktavā 7
92,00 €

Sylve, Dvielis 42 x 70 cm, komplekts 2 gab.

Organic Cotton Jacquard Made in France.
A blossoming range of jacquard bath towels adorned with scattered wild florals. Inspired by the ornamental motifs of traditional Indian fabrics, each towel is trimmed with a contrasting border of a graphic pattern with diamond shapes, designed in a peacock green hue. Made with 100% organic terry cotton, the material is fast-absorbing and extremely soft against the skin. Available in a range of sizes. 100% organic cotton, 550g/m²
Noliktavā 2
59,00 €

Foulard, Spilvendrāna 65 x 65 cm

A double-sided Oxford pillowcase taking inspiration from classic dandyism but making it relevant for the 21st century. The result is an opulent yet modern paisley jacquard pattern in a silvery grey tone that's cloaking the entire front design of this case. The reverse, however, comes in a simple solid grey shade. The pillowcase is then encased with a finely braided border finish.
A quietly opulent jacquard collection with a paisley motif inspired by the modern dandy.
A quietly opulent bed linen collection by Yves Delorme inspired by the modern dandy. Named after the French word for 'scarf', the range is defined by its striking paisley jacquard pattern, which is mostly limited to decorating scarfs and neckties. This damask bedding is about to change that though with its contemporary take on the motif, designed in a sketch-like style coloured solely in a silvery grey shade. Made with 100% organic cotton sateen, the material is naturally supremely soft and smooth against the skin, especially as the chosen fibres are exclusively combed long staple ones. The offering consists of a duvet cover, pillowcases, a flat sheet and fitted sheet, along with coordinating throw, bed runner and cushion cover.
Noliktavā 4
92,00 €

Yves Delorme, Foulard, Graphite Salvete 58 x 58 cm

Liven your table setting with an original napkin design by Yves Delorme. Inspired by modern-day dandyism, the Foulard jacquard napkins are covered in monochrome outlines of a paisley motif, finished with a vividly coloured, contrasting border. Available in either a grey rendition or beige, the design is crafted from a soft blend of cotton and linen.
Noliktavā 24
27,00 €

Foulard, Pārvalks 140 x 200 cm

A distinctively chic duvet cover inspired by the idea of a modern dandy. Entirely doused in a sketch-like paisley jacquard pattern, it's coloured in a contemporary cool silvery grey tone, which is unlike any traditional paisley. The design is finished with a classic button closure.
A quietly opulent jacquard collection with a paisley motif inspired by the modern dandy.
A quietly opulent bed linen collection by Yves Delorme inspired by the modern dandy. Named after the French word for 'scarf', the range is defined by its striking paisley jacquard pattern, which is mostly limited to decorating scarfs and neckties. This damask bedding is about to change that though with its contemporary take on the motif, designed in a sketch-like style coloured solely in a silvery grey shade. Made with 100% organic cotton sateen, the material is naturally supremely soft and smooth against the skin, especially as the chosen fibres are exclusively combed long staple ones. The offering consists of a duvet cover, pillowcases, a flat sheet and fitted sheet, along with coordinating throw, bed runner and cushion cover.
Noliktavā 2
275,00 €

Etoile Fjord, Dvielis, Pieejami dažādās izmēros

Yves Delorme (Yves Delorme) frotē dvieļi Etoile ir lieliski piemēroti visiem ģimenes locekļiem. Kolekcija ir pieejama plašā krāsu gammā, tā ir labi uzsūcoša, mīksta un maiga saskarē ar ādu. Tāpat kā visi zīmola Yves Delorme izstrādājumi, arī kolekcija Etoile ir izgatavota no Ēģiptes kokvilnas un tās blīvums ir 700 grami uz m². Plašā krāsu palete ļaus vannas istabu vai spa zonu veidot vienotā stilā. Pieejami 6 izmēri - sejas/roku dvielis 33 x 33cm, viesu dvielis 45cm x 70cm, roku dvielis 55cm x 100cm, dušas dvielis 70cm x 140cm, pirts dvielis 90cm x 150cm un vannas paklājiņš 55x90cm. Pirts halāti attiecīgajās krāsās ir pieejami S, M, L un XL izmērā.
Sastāvs: 83% kokvilna, 17% modāls
Noliktavā 8
18,00 €

Etoile Fjord, Vannas paklājs 55 x 90 cm

Yves Delorme (Yves Delorme) frotē dvieļi Etoile ir lieliski piemēroti visiem ģimenes locekļiem. Kolekcija ir pieejama plašā krāsu gammā, tā ir labi uzsūcoša, mīksta un maiga saskarē ar ādu. Tāpat kā visi zīmola Yves Delorme izstrādājumi, arī kolekcija Etoile ir izgatavota no Ēģiptes kokvilnas un tās blīvums ir 700 grami uz m². Plašā krāsu palete ļaus vannas istabu vai spa zonu veidot vienotā stilā. Pieejami 6 izmēri - sejas/roku dvielis 33 x 33cm, viesu dvielis 45cm x 70cm, roku dvielis 55cm x 100cm, dušas dvielis 70cm x 140cm, pirts dvielis 90cm x 150cm un vannas paklājiņš 55x90cm. Pirts halāti attiecīgajās krāsās ir pieejami S, M, L un XL izmērā.
Sastāvs: 83% kokvilna, 17% modāls
Noliktavā 0
80,00 €