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Sambonet pārstāv Itālijai raksturīgo izcilību kopš 1856. gada. Sambonet specializējas tērauda un apsudrabotu galda virsmu un galda piederumu - trauku, virtuves piederumu, aksesuāru - ražošanā, piedāvājot augstas kvalitātes dizainu un daudzfunkcionālus produktus. Gadiem ejot, Sambonet ir pārliecinoši un nepārprotami gājis pretī mūsdienīgumam. Protams, pētījumi par stilu, materiāliem, formu, funkcionalitāti un spēja integrēt to visu mūsdienīgā dzīvesveidā, vienmēr ir bijušas nepieciešamas komponentes atzinībai starptautiskajā tirgū. Lai veicinātu pētījumus, kuru uzdevums būtu no jauna samierināt Dizainu, Industriju un Tirgu, Sambonet licis pamatus Style Centre, kurā pulcina jaunus dizainerus. Šo dizaineru rīcībā ir modernākās ierīces dizainēšanā un prototipēšanā. Dizains, inovācija, kvalitāte un klientu aprūpe ir galvenais vilcējspēks, kas veicina Sambonet augšanu un attīstību. Sambonet, tā ir kompānija, kas par apliecinājumu savai nešķiramajai savienībai ar dizainu un atzīto veiksmi tirgū, ir saņēmusi Certificate of Excellence izcilības sertifikātu - nozīmīgu atzinību, kuru saņēmuši ir vien daži uzņēmumi pasaulē. Sambonet ir atrodams gandrīz 100 pasaules valstīs. Pateicoties augstās kvalitātes produktiem, izmeklētiem standartiem klientu aprūpē un konkurētspējīgām cenām, Sambonet ir vadošais profesionālo virtuves, gatavošanas un galda piederumu ražotājs. Sambonet pārstāv apbalvotu dizainu un pierādītu funkcionalitāti. Balstīti trijos dzīvesstilos - Classic, Modern un Design, mēs esam spējīgi piedāvāt plaša piedāvājuma preces gan galda klāšanas jomā, gan virtuves piedurumu klāstā klientiem ar visdažādākajām prasībam. Pateicoties modernai un plūstošai ražošanai, Sambonet var atļauties piedāvāt preces ar ļoti pievilcīgu cenas un kvalitātes attiecību. Sambonet ir ražotājs-līderis ar pašam savu Research & Development jeb pētījumu un attīstības departamentu « Centro Stile Sambonet ». Šis uzņēmums cienīgi pārstāv Itālijas garu ar veiksmīgu un ilggadēju prasmi inovatīva dizaina radīšanā. Sambonet sasniedz augstus rezultātus pateicoties savam privātajam pētījumu un attīstības departamentam un striktajai kvalitātes kontrolei. Pateicoties tieši tam, Sambonet ir tik labi pazīstams visā pasaulē. Sambonet piederumi gandrīz saaug ar Jūsu galdu un kļūst par dzīvesveidu apliecinošu elementu, kas izdaiļo Jūsu namu.

Kārtot pēc:
-20 %

Sambonet, Sambonet Izpārdošana, Spageti knaibles 28 cm, Living PVD Copper

The Sambonet Living collection combines assortment, beauty, robustness and functionality. A wide range of items to easily serve any kind of food.
Brand: Sambonet
Collection: Living
Material: Stainless Steel
Number of items in set: 1
Item number: 52750R73
Year of introduction: 2017
Noliktavā 4
55,20 € 69,00 €

Sambonet, Galda piederumu komplekts 36 pr/6 pers, S.H. Flat - PVD Champagne

Sambonet Flat PVD Champagne: timeless and sophisticated style tinted with new and alluring colours

Flatware table set 36 pcs consisting of: 6 forks/knives/spoons, 6 fruit forks/knives, 6 teaspoons
18/10 stainless steel, PVD Champagne finishing, optimizing resistance, preventing from rust/oxides
In line with the new aesthetic trends, where colours and brightness break the monotony of daily life
Flat collection expresses the perfect match between great personality and minimal style. Timeless cutlery, guaranteed by the Sambonet quality and tradition.
Brand: Sambonet
Collection: Flat
Material: Stainless Steel
Number of items in set: 36
Set composed by: 6 table spoons, 6 table forks, 6 table knives, 6 dessert forks, 6 dessert knives, 6 tea spoons
Serves how many people: 6
Item number: 62712P83
Year of introduction: 2017
Dishwasher suitability: Dishwasher Suitable
Weight of article: 3,12 kg
Package height: 5,50 cm
Package length: 59,40 cm
Package width: 35,70 cm
Package weight: 3,12 kg
Noliktavā 2
858,00 €

Sambonet, Galda piederumu komplekts 30 pr/6 pers Flat PVD Champagne

Sambonet Flat PVD Champagne: timeless and sophisticated style tinted with new and alluring colours

Flatware table set 30 pcs, consisting of: 6 forks/knives/spoons, 6 cake forks and 6 teaspoons
18/10 stainless steel, PVD Champagne finishing, optimizing resistance, preventing from rust/oxides
In line with the new aesthetic trends, where colours and brightness break the monotony of daily life

Suitable for:

Additional info
PRECAUTIONS: Handle silverware and PVD items as indicated for stainless steel items. Never use any type of scraper or steel wool, which would permanently damage the silver and PVD surfaces. Silver can sulphurate due to exposition to air, becoming dark in a more or less uniform way. This can happen also as a consequence of the contact with some foods. It is a natural process which does not damage the silver deposit but alters its look. The silver coat must be polished in order to restore the original state with good silver polishing products. Please make sure these products have to be diluted in warm water only.
Noliktavā 3
641,00 €
-30 %

Sambonet, Sambonet Izpārdošana, Baguette Vintage galda piederumu komplekts 24 pr/6 pers, nerūsējošais tērauds

6 ēdamkarotes

6 dakšas

6 naži

6 tējkarotes

Noliktavā 3
196,00 € 280,00 €

Sambonet, Deco galda piederumu komplekts 30 pr/6 pers, nerūsējošais tērauds 18/10

6 ēdamkarotes

6 dakšas

6 naži

6 tējkarotes

6 deserta dakšas

Noliktavā 2
312,00 €

Sambonet, Deco galda piederumu komplekts 60 pr/12 pers, nerūsējošais tērauds 18/10

12 ēdamkarotes

12 dakšas

12 naži

12 tējkarotes

12 deserta dakšas

Noliktavā 1
624,00 €

Sambonet, Dream galda piederumu komplekts 30 pr/6 pers, nerūsējošais tērauds 18/10

6 ēdamkarotes

6 dakšas

6 naži

6 tējkarotes

6 deserta dakšas

Noliktavā 1
249,00 €
-30 %

Sambonet, Sambonet Izpārdošana, H-Art galda piederumu komplekts 30 pr/6 pers, nerūsējošais tērauds 18/10

6 ēdamkarotes

6 dakšas

6 naži

6 tējkarotes

6 deserta dakšas

Noliktavā 6
366,80 € 524,00 €

Sambonet, Skin galda piederumu komplekts 30 pr/6 pers, nerūsējošais tērauds 18/10

6 ēdamkarotes

6 dakšas

6 naži

6 tējkarotes

6 deserta dakšas

Noliktavā 1
524,00 €
-30 %

Sambonet, Sambonet Izpārdošana, Steika nažu komplekts 6 gab., nerūsējošais tērauds 18/10

6 steika naži

Noliktavā 4
105,21 € 150,30 €
-30 %

Sambonet, Sambonet Izpārdošana, Flat Vintage galda piederumu komplekts 24 pr., nerūsējošais tērauds 18/10

6 ēdamkarotes

6 dakšas

6 naži

6 tējkarotes

Noliktavā 5
157,50 € 225,00 €

Sambonet, Galda piederumu komplekts 24 pr/6 pers S.H. Flat PVD Black

Sambonet Flat PVD Black: timeless and sophisticated style tinted with new and alluring colours

Flatware table set 24 pcs for 6 people, consisting of: 6 forks/knives/spoons and 6 teaspoons
18/10 stainless steel, PVD Black finishing, optimizing resistance and preventing from rust/ oxides
In line with the new aesthetic trends, where colours and brightness break the monotony of daily life

Suitable for:

Additional info
PRECAUTIONS: Handle silverware and PVD items as indicated for stainless steel items. Never use any type of scraper or steel wool, which would permanently damage the silver and PVD surfaces. Silver can sulphurate due to exposition to air, becoming dark in a more or less uniform way. This can happen also as a consequence of the contact with some foods. It is a natural process which does not damage the silver deposit but alters its look. The silver coat must be polished in order to restore the original state with good silver polishing products. Please make sure these products have to be diluted in warm water only.
Noliktavā 4
538,00 €

Sambonet, Packed Rice Ladle Cm 28 Living - S/Steel

The Sambonet Living collection combines design, functionality and sturdiness.

Ideal for serving savoury dishes, such as risottos and flans, or multi-layered desserts such as tiramisu.
The concave bowl improves spoon adhesion to collect and facilitate the use of more liquid sauces or condiments.
Made of stainless steel. Length 28 cm.
Easy to clean and dishwasher safe.
The Sambonet Living collection combines assortment, beauty, robustness and functionality. A wide range of items to easily serve any kind of food.
Noliktavā 1
34,00 €

Sambonet, Set 36 Pcs S.H. Bamboo - S/Steel

6 table spoons, 6 table forks, 6 steak knives, 6 dessert forks, 6 dessert knives, 6 tea spoons - handle type: Solid Handle

A 12mm-thick cutlery that combines functionality, elegance and solidity.
The service package is distinguished by a band dedicated to the finish.
The service package is distinguished by a band dedicated to the finish.
Designed by Centro Stile Sambonet, Bamboo stands out for its original oval section that, in a modern and contemporary key, reminds one of the organic design of the 40s.
Noliktavā 2
881,00 €
-30 %

Sambonet, Sambonet Izpārdošana, Pastry Pliers Cm 18 Living - S/Steel

The Sambonet Living collection combines design, functionality and sturdiness.

A multifunctional tongs, ideal for serving sweet appetizers, biscuits, small pastries, croissants, puff pastries.
The two concave paddles allow a firm grip. Practical and handy, it is perfect for elegant tables, buffets or special occasions.
Made of stainless steel. Length 18 cm.
Easy to clean and dishwasher safe.
The Sambonet Living collection combines assortment, beauty, robustness and functionality. A wide range of items to easily serve any kind of food.
Noliktavā 6
48,30 € 69,00 €
-30 %

Sambonet, Sambonet Izpārdošana, Set 6 Pcs Moka Spoon Royal PVD Black

  • Solid and handy cutlery at a democratic price.
  • Classical and refined style with a new contemporary interpretation.
  • 3 mm thickness.
  • Original Sambonet stamp.
  • Made of high quality 18/10 stainless steel and dishwasher safe.


Elegant and full of charm. Thanks to the double line relief and the original Sambonet stamp on the knives handle, Royal collection expresses the best of the brand's manufacturing excellence and enhances its heritage.

Noliktavā 2
64,40 € 92,00 €
-30 %

Sambonet, Sambonet Izpārdošana, Set 6 Pcs Moka Spoon Royal PVD Copper

  • Solid and handy cutlery at a democratic price.
  • Classical and refined style with a new contemporary interpretation.
  • 3 mm thickness.
  • Original Sambonet stamp.
  • Made of high quality 18/10 stainless steel and dishwasher safe.


Elegant and full of charm. Thanks to the double line relief and the original Sambonet stamp on the knives handle, Royal collection expresses the best of the brand's manufacturing excellence and enhances its heritage.

Noliktavā 3
64,40 € 92,00 €

Sambonet, Set 6 Pcs Moka Spoon Royal Antique PVD Champ.

  • Solid and handy cutlery at a democratic price.
  • Classical and refined style with a new contemporary interpretation.
  • 3 mm thickness.
  • Original Sambonet stamp.
  • Made of high quality 18/10 stainless steel and dishwasher safe.


Elegant and full of charm. Thanks to the double line relief and the original Sambonet stamp on the knives handle, Royal collection expresses the best of the brand's manufacturing excellence and enhances its heritage.

Noliktavā 3
103,00 €

Sambonet, Set 6 Pcs Cake Forks Royal Antique PVD Champ.

  • Solid and handy cutlery at a democratic price.
  • Classical and refined style with a new contemporary interpretation.
  • 3 mm thickness.
  • Original Sambonet stamp.
  • Made of high quality 18/10 stainless steel and dishwasher safe.


Elegant and full of charm. Thanks to the double line relief and the original Sambonet stamp on the knives handle, Royal collection expresses the best of the brand's manufacturing excellence and enhances its heritage.

Noliktavā 3
103,00 €

Sambonet, Salmu komplekts 6 gab. 21,5 cm, Mix&Play nerūsējošais tēraud

Charming and precious, the new Sambonet Mix&Play Straws make every moment trendy and special. Sambonet reinvents the “classic” disposable straw by transforming it into a real accessory to be brought to the table for sharing happy hours, to sample fancy cocktails and long drinks, or to add style to a fresh fruit juice or smoothie.

This set includes 6 stainless steel drinking straws, perfect for cocktails and fruit juices.
Reusable and eco-friendly. A replacement for the disposable plastic straws, for a responsible and sustainable use of everyday products.
Perfect to add style to every beverage with the bright of steel.
Dishwasher safe. Brush included, for a practical cleaning.
Gift idea with trendy colours and paper package.
Charming and precious, the new Sambonet Mix&Play Straws make every moment trendy and special. Perfect to add style to every beverage with charming mix of colours.
Height: 21,50 cm
Diameter: 0,60 cm
Weight of article: 0 gr
Package height: 1,00 cm
Package length: 21,00 cm
Package width: 10,00 cm
Package weight: 0 gr
Noliktavā 3
22,00 €

Sambonet, Salmu komplekts 6 gab. 21,5 cm, Mix&Play Black

Charming and precious, the new Sambonet Mix&Play Straws make every moment trendy and special. Sambonet reinvents the “classic” disposable straw by transforming it into a real accessory to be brought to the table for sharing happy hours, to sample fancy cocktails and long drinks, or to add style to a fresh fruit juice or smoothie.

This set includes 6 stainless steel drinking straws, perfect for cocktails and fruit juices.
Reusable and eco-friendly. A replacement for the disposable plastic straws, for a responsible and sustainable use of everyday products.
Perfect to add style to every beverage with intense Black colour.
Dishwasher safe. Brush included, for a practical cleaning.
Gift idea with trendy colours and paper package.
Charming and precious, the new Sambonet Mix&Play Straws make every moment trendy and special. Perfect to add style to every beverage with charming mix of colours.
Height: 21,50 cm
Diameter: 0,60 cm
Weight of article: 0 gr
Package height: 26,00 cm
Package length: 2,00 cm
Package width: 10,00 cm
Package weight: 0 gr
Noliktavā 1
26,00 €