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Yves Delorme

Kopš 1845. gada nosaukums FREMAUX ir sinonīms mājas veļai un uzņēmums var patiešām teikt, ka tas ir viens no vecākajiem šāda veida uzņēmumiem Eiropā. Fremaux-Delorme mantojuma izcilība ir atrodama to vīriešu un sieviešu vēsturē, kuri ir izveidojuši uzņēmumu, kā arī tā paplašināšanos un visus produktus. Pieču paaudžu kaislība un zinātkāre ir ieausta katrā palagā, katrā dvielī un galdautā. Iegādājoties veļu no Yves Delorme, jūs ieviesīsiet savām mājām jaunu tradīciju bagātību. Yves Delorme piedāvā visplašāko mājas apģērbu kolekciju pasaulē, gan stila, gan kvalitātes ziņā. Kolekcija ir balstīta uz četrām galvenajām tēmām:
Douceur - kompozīcija no gaismas harmonijas ar svaigiem un delikātiem toņiem. Pastelis, kas saistīts ar ziedu un ģeometrisko motīvu, šī tēma iezīmē franču romantismu. Yves Delorme zīmola identitāte ir neapšaubāmi saistīta ar šo tēmu, kas ir arī zīmola izcelsme. 
Raffinement - Autentisks kopums no tīras kvalitātes, kurā talants un meistarība ir vienlīdz izteikta jebkurā mājā. Dizains no šīs tēmas ir ļoti kvalitatīvi. 
Esprit Deco - smalka iedvesma, kas saplūst gan no apkārtnes, gan tālienes, kas ir aicinājums uz juteklisku baudu. Izveidota no oriģinālām tēmām un erudītāt atsaucēm. Tā ir pasaule, kurā garīgais prieks tiek pievienots auduma jutekliskajai izjūtai. 
Intemporels - krāsu daudzveidība, kas tiek veidota vienkāršiem dvieļiem, gultasveļai. Tā tiek regulāti attīstīta un atjaunota.
Perkale un satīns ir austi ar garu šķiedru no ¨Ēģiptes" kokvilnas, kas padara audumu zīdainu un mīkstu. 
Yves Delorme ir izvēlējies augstas kvalitātes produktus priekš savām segām un spilveniem. Tie tiek pildīti ar dūnām un dobām šķiedrām. Segas ir no merino vilnas, mohēras un kašmira, kas tiek veidotas ar vislielāko rūpību.

Kārtot pēc:

Jardins, Spilvendrāna 50 x 75 cm

A tale of a Parisian garden, at the intersection of Nature and Culture.

Like an illustrated tale, this print on organic cotton batiste evokes a stroll in a botanical garden. Passing by the architecture of a greenhouse, where tropical plants unfurl in the heat and humidity of this secret garden, we discover a delicate flora depicted in the manner of an illumination.

The expression of craftsmanship:

Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count.

Made with care in France.

15 colors for main design, 12 colors for coordinating design.

Reversible duvet cover with coordinating design.

Reversible pillow shams with a 2” flange and contour stitching details.

Flat sheet with 3’’ hem and stitching details.

Fitted sheet in coordinating design. Suitable for mattresses with a maximum thickness of 18''.

Coordinates with Triomphe & Athena Bronze and Veronese colors in the Timeless Classics line.
Noliktavā 20
80,00 €

Jardins, Spilvendrāna 65 x 65 cm

A tale of a Parisian garden, at the intersection of Nature and Culture.

Like an illustrated tale, this print on organic cotton batiste evokes a stroll in a botanical garden. Passing by the architecture of a greenhouse, where tropical plants unfurl in the heat and humidity of this secret garden, we discover a delicate flora depicted in the manner of an illumination.

The expression of craftsmanship:

Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count.

Made with care in France.

15 colors for main design, 12 colors for coordinating design.

Reversible duvet cover with coordinating design.

Reversible pillow shams with a 2” flange and contour stitching details.

Flat sheet with 3’’ hem and stitching details.

Fitted sheet in coordinating design. Suitable for mattresses with a maximum thickness of 18''.

Coordinates with Triomphe & Athena Bronze and Veronese colors in the Timeless Classics line.
Noliktavā 4
80,00 €

Gultas pārklāji, Jardins, Gultas pārklājs 250 x 250 cm

Cotton Batiste Percale Organic 200 thread count Made in Tunisia

Like an illustrated tale, this print on organic cotton batiste evokes a stroll in a botanical garden. Passing by the architecture of a greenhouse, where tropical plants unfurl in the heat and humidity of this secret garden, we discover a delicate flora depicted in the manner of an illumination.

The expression of craftsmanship:

Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count.

Created in France and made in our partner workshops in Tunisia.

15 colors for main design, 12 colors for coordinating design.

Padding: 100% polyester.

Printed, vegetal motif stitching, 1 inch hem finish
Coordinates with Triomphe & Athena Bronze and Veronese colors in the Timeless Classics line.
Noliktavā 1
553,00 €

Originel Sienna, Segas pārvalks, Sinepju krāsas, Pieejami dažādos izmēros

Dream in the bohemian poetry of stone-washed linen.

While stone-washed linen is the new generation of linen textiles, linen remains deeply anchored in ancestral traditions. A linen canvas that has undergone a specific process of washing and drying at high temperature is what renders a fabric that is supple, soft and comfortable with that irresistible patina and gently wrinkled appearance that true linen enthusiasts cherish.

100% pure organic stone-washed linen.
Made with care in France.
Linen is thermoregulatory and pleasant all year round.
Ribbed stitch finish underlines pillow shams with a fine linen ribbon.
Shams are solid in color
Envelope closure
Duvet Cover is in solid color
Button closure along bottom edge
Flat Sheet is in solid color
Simple finish
Fitted sheet is elasticized around entire perimeter
18" deep pockets
Noliktavā 2
259,00 €

Originel Sienna, Spilvendrāna, Sinepju krāsas, Pieejami dažādos izmēros

Dream in the bohemian poetry of stone-washed linen.

While stone-washed linen is the new generation of linen textiles, linen remains deeply anchored in ancestral traditions. A linen canvas that has undergone a specific process of washing and drying at high temperature is what renders a fabric that is supple, soft and comfortable with that irresistible patina and gently wrinkled appearance that true linen enthusiasts cherish.

100% pure organic stone-washed linen.
Made with care in France.
Linen is thermoregulatory and pleasant all year round.
Ribbed stitch finish underlines pillow shams with a fine linen ribbon.
Shams are solid in color
Envelope closure
Duvet Cover is in solid color
Button closure along bottom edge
Flat Sheet is in solid color
Simple finish
Fitted sheet is elasticized around entire perimeter
18" deep pockets
Noliktavā 4
80,00 €

Parc, Segas pārvalks 200 x 200 cm

In the shade of majestic trees, along the pathways of the park.

The spring-summer 2024 collection is an invitation to stroll through a botanical garden. A sort of Toile de Jouy, holm oaks, parasol pines, and dark walnut trees are drawn with ink and printed on organic cotton batiste. A contemporary design in rich, natural colors.

The expression of craftsmanship:

Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count.

Made with care in France.

8 colors for main design, 1 color for coordinating design.

Reversible duvet cover with coordinating design.

Reversible pillow shams with a 2” flange and contour piping.

Flat sheet with 4” border in coordinating design and piping finish.

Fitted sheet in coordinating design. Suitable for mattresses with a maximum thickness of 18''.

Coordinates with Triomphe & Athena Bronze, Blanc and Veronese colors in the Timeless Classics line.
Noliktavā 3
268,00 €

Parc, Segas pārvalks 240 x 220 cm

In the shade of majestic trees, along the pathways of the park.

The spring-summer 2024 collection is an invitation to stroll through a botanical garden. A sort of Toile de Jouy, holm oaks, parasol pines, and dark walnut trees are drawn with ink and printed on organic cotton batiste. A contemporary design in rich, natural colors.

The expression of craftsmanship:

Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count.

Made with care in France.

8 colors for main design, 1 color for coordinating design.

Reversible duvet cover with coordinating design.

Reversible pillow shams with a 2” flange and contour piping.

Flat sheet with 4” border in coordinating design and piping finish.

Fitted sheet in coordinating design. Suitable for mattresses with a maximum thickness of 18''.

Coordinates with Triomphe & Athena Bronze, Blanc and Veronese colors in the Timeless Classics line.
Noliktavā 2
330,00 €

Parc, Segas pārvalks 260 x 240 cm

In the shade of majestic trees, along the pathways of the park.

The spring-summer 2024 collection is an invitation to stroll through a botanical garden. A sort of Toile de Jouy, holm oaks, parasol pines, and dark walnut trees are drawn with ink and printed on organic cotton batiste. A contemporary design in rich, natural colors.

The expression of craftsmanship:

Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count.

Made with care in France.

8 colors for main design, 1 color for coordinating design.

Reversible duvet cover with coordinating design.

Reversible pillow shams with a 2” flange and contour piping.

Flat sheet with 4” border in coordinating design and piping finish.

Fitted sheet in coordinating design. Suitable for mattresses with a maximum thickness of 18''.

Coordinates with Triomphe & Athena Bronze, Blanc and Veronese colors in the Timeless Classics line.
Noliktavā 2
384,00 €

Parc, Spilvendrāna 50 x 75 cm

In the shade of majestic trees, along the pathways of the park.

The spring-summer 2024 collection is an invitation to stroll through a botanical garden. A sort of Toile de Jouy, holm oaks, parasol pines, and dark walnut trees are drawn with ink and printed on organic cotton batiste. A contemporary design in rich, natural colors.

The expression of craftsmanship:

Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count.

Made with care in France.

8 colors for main design, 1 color for coordinating design.

Reversible duvet cover with coordinating design.

Reversible pillow shams with a 2” flange and contour piping.

Flat sheet with 4” border in coordinating design and piping finish.

Fitted sheet in coordinating design. Suitable for mattresses with a maximum thickness of 18''.

Coordinates with Triomphe & Athena Bronze, Blanc and Veronese colors in the Timeless Classics line.
Noliktavā 14
80,00 €

Parc, Spilvendrāna 65 x 65 cm

In the shade of majestic trees, along the pathways of the park.

The spring-summer 2024 collection is an invitation to stroll through a botanical garden. A sort of Toile de Jouy, holm oaks, parasol pines, and dark walnut trees are drawn with ink and printed on organic cotton batiste. A contemporary design in rich, natural colors.

The expression of craftsmanship:

Printed on 100% long staple combed organic batiste cotton, 200 thread count.

Made with care in France.

8 colors for main design, 1 color for coordinating design.

Reversible duvet cover with coordinating design.

Reversible pillow shams with a 2” flange and contour piping.

Flat sheet with 4” border in coordinating design and piping finish.

Fitted sheet in coordinating design. Suitable for mattresses with a maximum thickness of 18''.

Coordinates with Triomphe & Athena Bronze, Blanc and Veronese colors in the Timeless Classics line.
Noliktavā 4
80,00 €

Parfum, Segas pārvalks 140 x 200 cm

Experience the exuberance of a fragrance-infused garden.

A sensorial journey towards summer blossoms that infuse gardens with their perfume. A painterly palette of pure pigments where extraordinary flora and mint green foliage harmonize on soft, white sateen with this intimate and singular gaze upon the Flower, so dear to the Yves Delorme brand.

The expression of craftsmanship:

Damask, printed on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count.

Made with care in France.

15 colors for main design, 1 color for coordinating design.

Reversible duvet cover with coordinating design.

Reversible pillow sham with 2" flounce and contour stitched finish.

Flat sheet with 3’’ hem and stitching details.

Fitted sheet in coordinating design. Suitable for mattresses with a maximum thickness of 18''.

Coordinates with Triomphe Veronèse, Poudre and Blanc colors in the Timeless Classics line.
Noliktavā 4
235,00 €

Parfum, Segas pārvalks 200 x 200 cm

Experience the exuberance of a fragrance-infused garden.

A sensorial journey towards summer blossoms that infuse gardens with their perfume. A painterly palette of pure pigments where extraordinary flora and mint green foliage harmonize on soft, white sateen with this intimate and singular gaze upon the Flower, so dear to the Yves Delorme brand.

The expression of craftsmanship:

Damask, printed on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count.

Made with care in France.

15 colors for main design, 1 color for coordinating design.

Reversible duvet cover with coordinating design.

Reversible pillow sham with 2" flounce and contour stitched finish.

Flat sheet with 3’’ hem and stitching details.

Fitted sheet in coordinating design. Suitable for mattresses with a maximum thickness of 18''.

Coordinates with Triomphe Veronèse, Poudre and Blanc colors in the Timeless Classics line.
Noliktavā 3
330,00 €

Parfum, Segas pārvalks 240 x 220 cm

Experience the exuberance of a fragrance-infused garden.

A sensorial journey towards summer blossoms that infuse gardens with their perfume. A painterly palette of pure pigments where extraordinary flora and mint green foliage harmonize on soft, white sateen with this intimate and singular gaze upon the Flower, so dear to the Yves Delorme brand.

The expression of craftsmanship:

Damask, printed on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count.

Made with care in France.

15 colors for main design, 1 color for coordinating design.

Reversible duvet cover with coordinating design.

Reversible pillow sham with 2" flounce and contour stitched finish.

Flat sheet with 3’’ hem and stitching details.

Fitted sheet in coordinating design. Suitable for mattresses with a maximum thickness of 18''.

Coordinates with Triomphe Veronèse, Poudre and Blanc colors in the Timeless Classics line.
Noliktavā 1
384,00 €

Parfum, Spilvendrāna 50 x 75 cm

Experience the exuberance of a fragrance-infused garden.

A sensorial journey towards summer blossoms that infuse gardens with their perfume. A painterly palette of pure pigments where extraordinary flora and mint green foliage harmonize on soft, white sateen with this intimate and singular gaze upon the Flower, so dear to the Yves Delorme brand.

The expression of craftsmanship:

Damask, printed on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count.

Made with care in France.

15 colors for main design, 1 color for coordinating design.

Reversible duvet cover with coordinating design.

Reversible pillow sham with 2" flounce and contour stitched finish.

Flat sheet with 3’’ hem and stitching details.

Fitted sheet in coordinating design. Suitable for mattresses with a maximum thickness of 18''.

Coordinates with Triomphe Veronèse, Poudre and Blanc colors in the Timeless Classics line.
Noliktavā 14
92,00 €

Parfum, Spilvendrāna 65 x 65 cm

Experience the exuberance of a fragrance-infused garden.

A sensorial journey towards summer blossoms that infuse gardens with their perfume. A painterly palette of pure pigments where extraordinary flora and mint green foliage harmonize on soft, white sateen with this intimate and singular gaze upon the Flower, so dear to the Yves Delorme brand.

The expression of craftsmanship:

Damask, printed on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count.

Made with care in France.

15 colors for main design, 1 color for coordinating design.

Reversible duvet cover with coordinating design.

Reversible pillow sham with 2" flounce and contour stitched finish.

Flat sheet with 3’’ hem and stitching details.

Fitted sheet in coordinating design. Suitable for mattresses with a maximum thickness of 18''.

Coordinates with Triomphe Veronèse, Poudre and Blanc colors in the Timeless Classics line.
Noliktavā 2
92,00 €

Parfum, Dekoratīva spilvena pārvalks 45 x 45 cm

Silk Made in Turkey

A sensorial journey towards summer blossoms that infuse gardens with their perfume. A painterly palette of pure pigments where extraordinary flora and mint green foliage harmonize on soft, white sateen with this intimate and singular gaze upon the Flower, so dear to the Yves Delorme brand.

The expression of craftsmanship:

100% silk.

Made with care in France.

15 colors for main design, 1 color for coordinating design.

Printed front and back.

Piped finish.

Zipper closure at bottom

Coordinates with Triomphe Veronèse, Poudre and Blanc colors in the Timeless Classics line.
Noliktavā 2
125,00 €

Mājas apavi, Fjord, Mājas apavi – čības vīriešu, Zilganzaļš, izmērs 42, 44, 48

Men's slippers, 83% organic cotton / 17% modal, 700 g/m². Sizes 42/44/48. Made in Türkiye.
Noliktavā 2
57,00 €

Pleds, Transat Celadon, Pleds, Gaiši zilizaļš 140 x 180 cm

Cotton Made in Italy.

100% cotton throw.
Woven bicolor with 3 cm hem finish and mitered corners.
Made with care in Italy.
Noliktavā 1
277,00 €

Pleds, Transat Ivoire, Pleds, Ziloņkaula 140 x 180 cm

Cotton Made in Italy.

100% cotton throw.
Woven bicolor with 3 cm hem finish and mitered corners.
Made with care in Italy.
Noliktavā 1
277,00 €

Pleds, Transat Taupe, Pleds, Pelēkibrūns 140 x 180 cm

Cotton Made in Italy.

100% cotton throw.
Woven bicolor with 3 cm hem finish and mitered corners.
Made with care in Italy.
Noliktavā 1
277,00 €

Verones, Palags bez gumijas, Tirkīzzaļš, Pieejami dažādos izmēros

The silkiest finish and luminous colors that intensify your dreams.

The exceptional quality of Yves Delorme cotton sateen can be experienced by the finesse of the soft and lightweight fabric. The depth and luminosity of the colors are revealed by the silky finish and perfection of our weaving techniques.

100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count.
Made with care in France.
On-trend colors with tone-on-tone double saddle stitch framing shams and duvet cover.
Coordinates with Athena.
Article certified STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® - number CQ 885/2.
Shams are framed around all sides with double saddle stitch
Envelope closure
Pillowcases have double saddle stitch across open end
Shams and pillowcases sold individually
Duvet Cover is framed around all sides with double saddle stitch
Button closure along bottom edge
Flat Sheet has double saddle stitch across top side
Fitted Sheet is elasticized around entire perameter
18" deep pockets
Noliktavā 0
167,00 €