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Yves Delorme

Kopš 1845. gada nosaukums FREMAUX ir sinonīms mājas veļai un uzņēmums var patiešām teikt, ka tas ir viens no vecākajiem šāda veida uzņēmumiem Eiropā. Fremaux-Delorme mantojuma izcilība ir atrodama to vīriešu un sieviešu vēsturē, kuri ir izveidojuši uzņēmumu, kā arī tā paplašināšanos un visus produktus. Pieču paaudžu kaislība un zinātkāre ir ieausta katrā palagā, katrā dvielī un galdautā. Iegādājoties veļu no Yves Delorme, jūs ieviesīsiet savām mājām jaunu tradīciju bagātību. Yves Delorme piedāvā visplašāko mājas apģērbu kolekciju pasaulē, gan stila, gan kvalitātes ziņā. Kolekcija ir balstīta uz četrām galvenajām tēmām:
Douceur - kompozīcija no gaismas harmonijas ar svaigiem un delikātiem toņiem. Pastelis, kas saistīts ar ziedu un ģeometrisko motīvu, šī tēma iezīmē franču romantismu. Yves Delorme zīmola identitāte ir neapšaubāmi saistīta ar šo tēmu, kas ir arī zīmola izcelsme. 
Raffinement - Autentisks kopums no tīras kvalitātes, kurā talants un meistarība ir vienlīdz izteikta jebkurā mājā. Dizains no šīs tēmas ir ļoti kvalitatīvi. 
Esprit Deco - smalka iedvesma, kas saplūst gan no apkārtnes, gan tālienes, kas ir aicinājums uz juteklisku baudu. Izveidota no oriģinālām tēmām un erudītāt atsaucēm. Tā ir pasaule, kurā garīgais prieks tiek pievienots auduma jutekliskajai izjūtai. 
Intemporels - krāsu daudzveidība, kas tiek veidota vienkāršiem dvieļiem, gultasveļai. Tā tiek regulāti attīstīta un atjaunota.
Perkale un satīns ir austi ar garu šķiedru no ¨Ēģiptes" kokvilnas, kas padara audumu zīdainu un mīkstu. 
Yves Delorme ir izvēlējies augstas kvalitātes produktus priekš savām segām un spilveniem. Tie tiek pildīti ar dūnām un dobām šķiedrām. Segas ir no merino vilnas, mohēras un kašmira, kas tiek veidotas ar vislielāko rūpību.

Kārtot pēc:
966261-Henry-Moon-Ralph-Lauren-ralfs-Ekskluzivais-tekstils- Smalka-Zimolu-gultas-vela-posteljnoe-beljo-Ekskljuzivnoe-Brendovoe-Dorogoe-posteljnoe-beljo- gultas-vela
-50 %

Veronique, Ralph Lauren Izpārdošana, Pārvalks 240 x 220 cm

Noliktavā 1
178,00 € 356,00 €
-50 %

Dažādi, Abri, Pārvalks 140 x 200 cm

Bed linens printed on 100% long staple combed, cotton sateen, 300 thread count. Reversible design : 2 colours main design, 2 coordinated design. Duvet cover with flap.
Noliktavā 1
101,00 € 202,00 €
-30 %

Dažādi, Utopia, Pārvalks 240 x 260 cm

Bed linens printed on 100% long staple combed, organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count. 15 colours main design, Horizon color coordinated design. Duvet cover with flap and button enclosure for USA.
Noliktavā 1
260,40 € 372,00 €
-20 %

Dekoratīvie spilveni Izpardošana, Utopia, Dekoratīva spilvena pārvalks 45 x 45 cm

LUSH VEGETATION. The decorative richness of Yves Delorme’s Utopia model inspired this tapestry. Like the « Rousseau Customs Officer », the lush vegetation reveals beautiful bird camouflaged between the leaves and the flowers.
Noliktavā 5
64,00 € 80,00 €
-50 %

Dekoratīvie spilveni Izpardošana, Verdure Laurier, Dekoratīva spilvena pārvalks 45 x 45 cm

Tapestry of Mixed Fibres Made in Belgium.

Tropical foliage shrouds this cushion cover design by Iosis. So that if you have the winter blues, you at least have a visual escape to a warmer and greener place in the world. Designed in the brand's signature technique of cotton jacquard tapestry, the cushion cover is available in two different colour variations to fit in with your interior.
Noliktavā 1
46,00 € 92,00 €
-20 %

Panorama, Spilvendrāna 31 x 42 cm

A vibrant floral design inspired by decorative tapestries.

Created in the image of decorative tapestries, the Panorama bed linen collection by Yves Delorme boasts a grandiose, colourful floral print set against a cloudy blue sky with shapes reminiscent of tree shadows and dappled light. Made with 100% organic cotton sateen, using exclusively long staple fibres which are further combed, the luxurious material is silky smooth to the touch.

A vivid Oxford pillowcase design by Yves Delorme that will instantly brighten up your bedroom. Dappled light shadows against a blue sky is the backdrop for a bright and colourful floral motif dancing on top, while the reverse side of the case is left floral-less and simpler. Crafted from silky organic cotton sateen, the pillowcase is trimmed with a golden braided finish.

100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count
Made in France
A floral print set against tree shadows and a pale blue background at front
A coordinating print of tree shadows against a pale blue background at reverse
Oxford edges
Golden braided finish
Noliktavā 1
52,00 € 65,00 €
-20 %

Panorama, Spilvendrāna 50 x 75 cm

A vibrant floral design inspired by decorative tapestries.

Created in the image of decorative tapestries, the Panorama bed linen collection by Yves Delorme boasts a grandiose, colourful floral print set against a cloudy blue sky with shapes reminiscent of tree shadows and dappled light. Made with 100% organic cotton sateen, using exclusively long staple fibres which are further combed, the luxurious material is silky smooth to the touch.

A vivid Oxford pillowcase design by Yves Delorme that will instantly brighten up your bedroom. Dappled light shadows against a blue sky is the backdrop for a bright and colourful floral motif dancing on top, while the reverse side of the case is left floral-less and simpler. Crafted from silky organic cotton sateen, the pillowcase is trimmed with a golden braided finish.

100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count
Made in France
A floral print set against tree shadows and a pale blue background at front
A coordinating print of tree shadows against a pale blue background at reverse
Oxford edges
Golden braided finish
Noliktavā 38
73,60 € 92,00 €
-30 %

Yves Delorme, Dažādi, Astree Blanc Halāts XL

Noliktavā 1
80,50 € 115,00 €
-30 %

Dažādi, Palazzo, Pārvalks 140 x 200 cm

Luxurious Jacquard of the season, an interlacing of a flexible formation suggests an architectural adornment. Elegance of line, sophisticated light between
hazelnut. Duvet cover, Front side in damask fabric and reverse in plain dyed col Greige, with buttons closure. Damask on 100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count. Made in France
Noliktavā 1
206,50 € 295,00 €
-20 %

Panorama, Pārvalks 140 x 200 cm

A vibrant floral design inspired by decorative tapestries.

Created in the image of decorative tapestries, the Panorama bed linen collection by Yves Delorme boasts a grandiose, colourful floral print set against a cloudy blue sky with shapes reminiscent of tree shadows and dappled light. Made with 100% organic cotton sateen, using exclusively long staple fibres which are further combed, the luxurious material is silky smooth to the touch.

Turn your bed into a vibrant tapestry with the Panorama duvet cover by Yves Delorme. Cloudy blue skies with tree shadows decorate the reverse design and appear as a background to the main event on the front, depicting vibrantly colourful painted florals and foliage.

100% long staple combed organic cotton sateen, 300 thread count
Made in France
A floral print set against tree shadows and a pale blue background at front
A coordinating print of tree shadows against a pale blue background at reverse
Button closure
Noliktavā 8
188,00 € 235,00 €
966327-Henry-Moon-Ralph-Lauren-ralfs-Ekskluzivais-tekstils- Smalka-Zimolu-gultas-vela-posteljnoe-beljo-Ekskljuzivnoe-Brendovoe-Dorogoe-posteljnoe-beljo- gultas-vela
-50 %

Veronique, Ralph Lauren Izpārdošana, Spilvendrāna 50 x 75 cm

Noliktavā 4
41,50 € 83,00 €
-50 %

Dažādi, Fougue, Pārvalks 240 x 260 cm

Noliktavā 1
168,00 € 336,00 €
-20 %

Flores, Pārvalks 240 x 220 cm

Organic 100% Cotton Sateen. 300 thread count. Made in France.
Inspired by the blooms seen in French gardens.

The landscape of a French garden was the inspiration for Flores bed linen collection by Yves Delorme. Go on a romantic walk through and discover the diverse blooms and greenery such as magnolia flowers, peonies opening up, joined by the green hues of willow shoots, all set against a clear white background. Made with 100% organic cotton sateen, the material uses long staple fibres that are then combed which results in silky smooth and soft finish. The collection includes a duvet cover, pillowcases, a flat sheet and a fitted sheet. Pair with matching counterpane and cushion covers, as well as complementing core collection colours in Blanc and the new shade Lila.
Noliktavā 7
268,00 € 335,00 €
-20 %

Flores, Spilvendrāna 65 x 65 cm

Organic 100% Cotton Sateen. 300 thread count. Made in France.
Inspired by the blooms seen in French gardens.

The landscape of a French garden was the inspiration for Flores bed linen collection by Yves Delorme. Go on a romantic walk through and discover the diverse blooms and greenery such as magnolia flowers, peonies opening up, joined by the green hues of willow shoots, all set against a clear white background. Made with 100% organic cotton sateen, the material uses long staple fibres that are then combed which results in silky smooth and soft finish. The collection includes a duvet cover, pillowcases, a flat sheet and a fitted sheet. Pair with matching counterpane and cushion covers, as well as complementing core collection colours in Blanc and the new shade Lila.
Noliktavā 2
68,80 € 86,00 €
-50 %

Gultas pārklāji, Dažādi, Triomphe Thevert gultas pārklājs 230 x 250 cm

100% Cotton Sateen Organic.300 thread count.
Made in France
To complete the Triomphe range this lightweight cotton sateen quilted bedcover is perfect to finish off the set. Quilted with small dots to create a buttoned affect. Filling; polyester Available in a variety of classic colours.
Noliktavā 1
251,00 € 502,00 €

Blanc, Palags ar gumiju, Pieejami dažādos izmēros

Izmērs 140x200
Krāsa Balta
Materiāls Ēģiptes kokvilnas satīns
Noliktavā 0
176,00 €

Double Naturel Ferme, Spilvens 50 x 75 cm

Noliktavā 20
228,00 €

Double Naturel Ferme, Spilvens 65 x 65 cm

Izmērs 65x65
Pildījums Zosu dūnas un pīļu spalvas, pildījuma svars 770g
Pārvalks Ēģiptes kokvilna
Noliktavā 6
228,00 €

Segas, Senso, Sega 260 x 240 cm

Izmērs 260x240
Pildījums Poliestera šķiedru polsterējums
Pārvalks Poliesters
Noliktavā 1
389,00 €

Zenaide Parme, Dekoratīva spilvena pārvalks, Lillā 45 x 45 cm

Viscose - Acrylique Made in Belgium.

Embrace your wild side with Yves Delorme's Zenaïde cushion cover. Made with supple velvet, the design features an animal pattern of feline flecks covering every inch of this luxurious style. To top it off, framing this expertly woven cover is a complementing piped trim.

40% viscose, 36% acrylic, 17% cotton, 7% polyester
Made in Belgium
Velour finish
Animal fleck pattern all over
Grosgrain piped finish
Available in multiple colours
Noliktavā 1
125,00 €

Pierre, Palags ar gumiju, Pieejami dažādos izmēros

Izmērs 160x200
Krāsa Pelēka
Materiāls Ēģiptes kokvilnas satīns
Noliktavā 2
167,00 €