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Christmas toys memory

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Christmas toys memory

Christmas toys memory, Figūra 14 x 12 x 37 cm, "Sniegavīrs"

Hand-painted nostalgic Christmas decoration
With their traditional Christmas colours and nostalgic patterns, the decorative items in the Christmas Toys Memory collection will delight children of all ages. The figurine is painted in Christmas colours with great attention to detail and creates a beautifully festive atmosphere. Get the Christmas Toys figurine now for your festive decorations.
Material: Porcelain
Colour: colored
Dishwasher safe: No
Microwave safe: No
Noliktavā 3
355,00 €
Christmas toys memory

Christmas toys memory, Uzglabāšanas trauks 8 x 8 x 15 cm , "Sniegavīrs"

Hand-painted nostalgic Christmas decoration
With their traditional Christmas colours and nostalgic patterns, the decorative items in the Christmas Toys Memory collection will delight children of all ages. The jar is intricately decorated with pretty toy patterns and creates a festive and Christmassy atmosphere. Get the Christmas Toys jar now for your festive decorations.
Material: Premium Porcelain
Colour: white
Dishwasher safe: No
Microwave safe: No
Noliktavā 3
127,00 €
Christmas toys memory

Christmas toys memory, Muzikāla figūra ar svecēm 70 cm, "Santa kamanās"

Mūzikas kastītē tiek atskaņots klasiskais skaņdarbs "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town". Šie daļēji ar rokām apgleznotie Christmas Toys Memory dārgakmeņi atgādina laikus, kad Ziemassvētku vecītis mēdza nest rotaļlietas. Šo skaisto svētku rotājumu papildina ziemeļbrieži, kas velk Ziemassvētku vecīša kamanas, savukārt, mazās svecītes uz dzīvnieku mugurām rada mājīgu gaismu. Šajā mūzikas kastītē tiek atskaņots "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town". Atklājiet Ziemassvētkus bērna acīm.
Noliktavā 1
427,00 €
Christmas toys memory

Ziemassvētki dažādi, Christmas toys, Christmas toys memory, Figūra 36,5 cm, "Riekstkodis"

Description: Suitable for a festive atmosphere. The perfect gift and decoration. Villeroy & Boch

Color: colored
Material: Porcelain
Microwave Safe: no
Dishwasher Safe: no
Care Instruction: for decoration only
Weight: approx. 1.01 kg
Length: 180,00mm
Width: 165,00mm
Height: 410,00mm
Size: 14X12X36,5CM
Noliktavā 3
293,00 €